Saturday, November 26, 2011

Blog 13: Current Event # 2

Find a current news article from either    or and write 1, 12 sentence paragraph over the article. Remember to include a introduction sentence, 5 details (10 sentences) and a conclusion sentence for the paragraph. The paragraph should explain the event and provide your reaction to it and what impact you think it will have on the world or history. After you finish, you must work on any missing blogs.

Over the next three years, the UK government is planning to spend 600 million euros on building 100 new free schools. Included in this 100, are 12 selective specialist maths schools. All of the free schools are to be ran by independent education providers that are funded directly by the England's central government. Independent of local authorities and having more control over their curriculum, teachers' pay and conditions, and even the length of school term and days, they are established as academies. Purposed to be focusing on strong university maths and departments, the 12 specialist maths schools are intended to produce "outstanding mathematicians  who can work in digital technologies, produce breakthroughs in applied maths or develop innovative  companies."

Such alternatives are important to building a better generation, in my opinion. I feel there should be all types of schools and they should have their own systems and focuses. That would make it way more intriguing and interesting for young adults. Something of this idea would not be passed so easily by the American government. That's what I dislike. The government is supposed to be for the people, yet I don't even see the government working together as a whole to make sure no large amount of people is left behind as we try to further our society as a whole. That's what we're not doing, we're not trying to progress together. Majority of the ideas and ventures are selfish or are only for a specified group that fits such a small criteria. 

Free schools set for extra £600m

Blog 9: Current Event

Find a current news article from either    or and write 2, 12 sentence paragraphs over the article. Remember to include a introduction sentence, 5 details (10 sentences) and a conclusion sentence for each paragraph. The first paragraph should explain the event and the second should provide your reaction to it and what impact you think it will have on the world or history.

There are allusions of the AT&T and T-Mobile merger being dead. AT&T said that the deal with T-Mobile is off. Many believe that this is nothing more than a front to put to rest the heat the two companies are feeling from the FCC because there are accusations of there being antitrust violations due to the merging of the companies most likely being something of a monopoly. There is much to be lost of this deal that they have been entangled in for at least 8 months is broken off. AT&T will have to pay more than 3 million dollars to T-Mobile and will lack the necessary resources to carry out its next-generation 4G network. T-Mobile will not be a good position at all as a company that would losing revenue and beaucoup customers. As a merger, they beat out their strongest competitor, Verizon. However, on their own, they are are no longer competition at all for the legal power-house known as Verizon that has expanded its market-leading 4G  network to cover over two hundred million Americans and is by far the largest next-generation network.

I was aware of the merger between AT&T and T-Mobile, however, I did not know how well Verizon was doing. The deal between the two companies is arguably something that could be considered a monopoly. I opine that how disputable this is perturbing. It isn't clear enough what is and isn't a monopoly. That causes for business to get very sketchy and also equates that the safety of consumers is at risk. That is something that consumers really have to watch for with the economy being in its current state. It was also argued that under specific political governing, the merger could be deemed legal after all. This political governing, is dictated by the political party of the president in office. I don't like how uncertain and disputable everything is. In such a sophisticated society, you can expect everything to be cut and dry, straight black and white, there are going to be gray areas as the expression goes. However, I feel that most gray areas that are due to a law or regulation that was not specific enough was intentional. The creators wanted there to be gray areas for evasion of such in the future. It sounds something of a conspiracy, but I feel that "1%" the originators of the Wall Street Protest movement were referring to were onto something.

AT&T and T-Mobile merger: Not d…   

Friday, November 25, 2011

Blog 10: Wall Street Protest

Get online and find at least 3 articles on the Wall Street Protests. Read them, then write 2, 12 sentence paragraphs. The first should explain the protest: who is involved, what is happening, when it started, where it is happening, and why it is happening. Provide key events. The second paragraph should state your opinion of it and explain why. Relate it to other topics you have studied. Attach 3 links to the articles you read.

The Wall Street Protests are protests that started Zuccotti Park of lower Manhatta, NYC. The protesters marched in the way of employees of Wall Street. This was assumed as to be an attempt to stop Wall Street from opening that day. Protestors still frequent that area, and are controlled by the local police. The movement have grew nation-wide. There are other marches in major cities. They are typically around bridges or other public places that were in need of repair. The movement began October 9th. The idea that is deeply embedded in the movement economic equality. The protestors, which are lacking in clarity, want equality and equal opportunities. It is said to be of the people, the other 99% that do not represent or include the 1% of the richest.

I am for the Wall Street Protests. From what i have learned, it really isn't just a protest that is occurring in the streets of New York, but an actual movement that is freeing people from the society that has a mind defined by the 'system'. The system is society that is guided by social conformity and defined those having the most power; power being defined by money. This is actually something that I've been contemplating so much recently, causing myself to question the significance of my life specifically and what should I with my life. Do genuinely want to succumb to the system that we live in called in this American society.? For example, going to school, then attending college, building a career from my degrees (that are of a specified list and approved by those with the power to define) and marrying to procreate and raise children to follow this same path. Or is it better to do what really makes you happy? Is school really for everyone? Aren't some people really meant to be one of the best are artists to ever exist or be such an exceptional mechanic that they can actually start their own business? If everyone had an equal opportunity to be whatever they wanted then people would be so much different, as would our society.

Occupy Wall Street Puts the Coverage in the Spotlight -
Occupy Wall Street Protest Reaches a Crossroads -
Occupy Wall Street - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog 12: The Environment: Keystone Pipeline

Using the internet, find and read two articles about the proposed Keystone Pipeline. Describe the project. What is it? Where is it located (all states)? Why do people support it? Why are people against it? How could it help the U.S.? How could it possibly hurt the U.S.? What is President Obama's opinion? In the end, do you think it is a good idea, or a bad idea? Explain.

The Keystone Pipeline is a pipeline system that will link a supply of Canadian crude oil with the more major United States refining markets. The first part of the project involves construction of the bullet line that will be linking the crude oil form Canada through the midwestern states of the U.S. The Second part of the project is actually putting the pipeline in place. The pipeline will begin at Hardisty, Alberta then stretch through Saskatchewan, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and finally Texas.
Environmental groups do not support the project, while labor groups are for the proposed idea. Environmentalists say that the pipeline will destroy the ecologically sensitive areas. The Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada are also opposed to the project arguing that the pipeline only supports the US market , will provide a very small number of Canadians with permanent jobs and reduce canadian energy security. Nebraska lawmakers disapprove of the pipeline being routed through areas like the Sand Hills region and Ogallala aquifer (a major source of drinking water and irrigation). However, the Keystone Pipeline project that would have the ability to carry 700,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Canada to Texas is a plan that is supported by Obama administration supports the proposed plan as long as the pipeline is rerouted as they see fit.
I feel that the project sounds very good in theory, but I opine that routing a pipeline from Canada all the way to Texas is not something that can have a positive outcome. Pragmatically speaking, there is too many variables (the pipeline being underground, the length of the pipeline, indistinguishable tectonic plate shifts, etc.) that affect how successful the project will actually be.

Blog 11: The Environment: Global Warming

Write at least a 12 sentence paragraph about the following: What is global warming? What is causing it? What are the dangers of it? Do you believe it is true? Explain.

Global warming pertains to the destruction of the earth's atmosphere. The pollution that mankind has introduced to Earth by destroying, burning and using natural resources. Layers of the atmosphere fro the exposure. Climate that was previously indigenous, has been changed and has also became less typical and less predictable. Aside from changing the natural climate, it has caused natural disasters to occur more frequently. Methane and other greenhouse gases are a large part of the damage. Sea level has risen at a rate that is very perturbing and troubling.
I believe that global warming is a true and malevolent force that is expediting the decay of Earth. I may not have researched the topic throughly, so my basis is from what I have heard and what i already know.