Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog 8: Healthcare in the U.S.

After viewing the film, go to the link below and read the BBC article on the U.S. health care system. Using info from the film and article, describe what the current issues in the U.S. healthcare system. What do you think about this? Is this system good or bad? Do you think it could be fixed? Why or why not? If so, how could it be fixed?

The current issue in the U.S. healthcare system is how it is being payed for. It is actually not for the people, as a whole it is a "for profit" business. The insurance companies are not trying to pay for medical bills, instead they are trying to gain money from people paying them to be insured, but not needing the insurance. The system seems very malevolent.  I don't feel that the system can be fixed because the stem is backed by the government. In the U.S., the government completely runs the people. People are afraid of the government, which is supposed to be for the people. This is why I believe it will not be fixed. 

Blog 7: Higher Education

Describe what you viewed in College Inc. What was your reaction? After reading the articles at the below links, explain your thoughts. What is your opinion? Should everyone go to college? What would be the benifits? What could be the drawbacks? Explain using information from the articles and video.
Are you going to college? Why or why not? What are you doing after high school. 

Not everyone should go to the college, in my opinion, college is not for everyone. Some people may be more suited and happier to pick up a trade instead. Also, everyone isn't always informed correctly or entirely about how to go about furthering their education after high school. This is what causes people to have so much debt due to student loans. Some people do not like the educational system and what it consists of. They would rather find an occupation in the job market without any college degrees. 
I am going to college. I feel that i will be very successful in such an environment and will raise to the challenge accordingly. I opine that college is something that is for me. I am planning to go to college right after high school.

Blog 6: The American Justice System: The New Asylum

Describe what is happening to many Americans with severe mental illness who break the law. Detail at least 2 of the individuals in the film. What illnesses seemed predominant among prisoners with mental illness. What happened to mental institutions in the U.S.? Explain with detail, what you think we should do in this country to help individuals with mental illness.

Many Americans with severe mental illness who break the law are sent to prisons. They receive minor care from the prison and are separated from the other prisoners. An inmate named Donny Hall, has been to the been admitted to the medical hospital part of the prison he is sentenced to many time. He acts out and has fits & felt too restricted being locked down all day. A Mr. Clark became so delusional that he believed the officers were trying to kill him. He had been to 7 or 8 institutions and has changed to higher/lower security levels. Around WWII, people were treated in mental institutions that should not have been there, and experimentation took place there. This caused for them to be closed down and not funded by the government any longer. Counseling and centers would be very helpful for individuals with mental illnesses. They do not have to be admitted, but they should either be ordered by judge to visit and take parts in sessions or meetings in such a place instead of being sentenced to prison. These centers and counselors would also help prescribe the correct medication to the individuals.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Blog 5: Repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Read the article at the link below on the repeal of the military's policy regarding homosexuality. After you have read it, post a blog detailing what the article was about and what your opinion is of it and explain. Do you think this will hurt or help the military. 

I believe that it does not hurt or help the military at all. It own gives homosexuals the ability to be open about their sexual orientation. They do not have to talk about it or admit to it if do not wish to. So, if they fear or don not want to cause discrimination, then they will choose to not say anything, but the decision is still up to them.

Blog 4: Terriorism: The Man Who Knew

Describe the terrorist events that led up to September 11, 2001. What did the FBI know? Were there any warnings? Do you believe the attack on the Twin Towers could have been prevented? How should the U.S. use this information for the future?

An American embassy was bombed, as were there other bombing and bombing attempts. The FBI knew that there were terrorist groups that were plotting attacks on the US. They also knew some, if not most, of the members of those groups that played larger roles. There is much that would need to be done for the United States to have been able to prevent the attack on the Twin Towers. I, myself, am not certain whether or not the attack could have been prevented though because I'm not sure what kind of precautions would be set up to be take down a plane if you were not to know exactly where the plane would be hijacked and taken to. The way the US is currently using the information they have is somewhat extremely while still need even though it directly affects our economic freedom.