Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog 8: Healthcare in the U.S.

After viewing the film, go to the link below and read the BBC article on the U.S. health care system. Using info from the film and article, describe what the current issues in the U.S. healthcare system. What do you think about this? Is this system good or bad? Do you think it could be fixed? Why or why not? If so, how could it be fixed?

The current issue in the U.S. healthcare system is how it is being payed for. It is actually not for the people, as a whole it is a "for profit" business. The insurance companies are not trying to pay for medical bills, instead they are trying to gain money from people paying them to be insured, but not needing the insurance. The system seems very malevolent.  I don't feel that the system can be fixed because the stem is backed by the government. In the U.S., the government completely runs the people. People are afraid of the government, which is supposed to be for the people. This is why I believe it will not be fixed. 

1 comment:

  1. Include information from the BBC article and the film. Justify and explain your answer with evidence.
