Describe what is happening to many Americans with severe mental illness who break the law. Detail at least 2 of the individuals in the film. What illnesses seemed predominant among prisoners with mental illness. What happened to mental institutions in the U.S.? Explain with detail, what you think we should do in this country to help individuals with mental illness.
Many Americans with severe mental illness who break the law are sent to prisons. They receive minor care from the prison and are separated from the other prisoners. An inmate named Donny Hall, has been to the been admitted to the medical hospital part of the prison he is sentenced to many time. He acts out and has fits & felt too restricted being locked down all day. A Mr. Clark became so delusional that he believed the officers were trying to kill him. He had been to 7 or 8 institutions and has changed to higher/lower security levels. Around WWII, people were treated in mental institutions that should not have been there, and experimentation took place there. This caused for them to be closed down and not funded by the government any longer. Counseling and centers would be very helpful for individuals with mental illnesses. They do not have to be admitted, but they should either be ordered by judge to visit and take parts in sessions or meetings in such a place instead of being sentenced to prison. These centers and counselors would also help prescribe the correct medication to the individuals.
Add transitions. Your writing is choppy and sounds like you are just listing notes. Good use of information from the film. Explain why you think counseling and centers would be helpful instead of prison.